We hope to see you in person next year!

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Presentations and Recordings

June 22 -23, 2021

Supporting  Sequelae of COVID-19

The i2b2 tranSMART Foundation, in cooperation with the Department of BioMedical Informatics (DBMI) of the Harvard University Medical School, held its Second VIRTUAL Symposium. We hope to be in person next year.  The slide decks and recordings are being posted below as they become available. We hope to have everything posted within a week or two.
Highlights can be found on twitter #i2b2tsjune2021.

Tuesday June 22nd

Welcome – Symposium overview & i2b2 tranSMART Year in Review, Diane Keogh and Isaac Kohane

Session – Report from the Global Community

India: Health Platform Development using i2b2 Kavishwar Wagholikar

Africa: tranSMART impact on CKD, Louise Klann and Becky Steck

Session – Supporting COVID-19 Research

4CE Late Breaking Updates, Griffin Weber, MD PhD, Paul Avillach MD PhD, Tianxi Cai, ScD, Jeff Klann PhD

NHLBI OTA: RECOVER – Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery, Shawn Murphy, MD PhD, Vivian Gainer, Nich Wattanasin, Victor Castro

tranSMART COVID – Open data, Rudy Potenzone, PhD and Peter Rice

COVID Authors, Griffin Weber, MD PhD

Enclave: Digital twin supporting long Covid, Shawn Murphy, MD PhD, Mike Mendis

Session – Keynote

FHIR: Interop for Consumer Access, Clinical Research, and Beyond.  Josh Mandel

Session – New Technologies

InterSystems IRIS: A new high performance data platform option for the i2b2 community, Qi Li, MD, Raj Singh, Anatoly Postilnik

Raj Singh Recording
Slide Deck: Anatoly Postilnik
Anatoly Postilnik Recording

Visualizing EHR data in a Knowledge Graph, Rudy Potenzone, PhD

Axiomedix Update, Jamie Cuticchia

Session – Foundation Technical Session

Committee on Technology, Griffin Weber, MD PhD

Dell project updates: Common Data model (i2b2 tranSMART), Clinical and Scientific Bundle, Griffin Weber MD PhD, Jeff Klann PhD

Foundation Roadmaps: tranSMART roadmap, Rudy Potenzone, PhD and Peter Rice

Foundation Roadmaps: i2b2 roadmap, Shawn Murphy MD PhD, Mike Mendis and Jeff Klann PhD

No Recording Available

Wednesday June 23rd

Session – Foundation Working Groups
Ontology Working Groups

Membership & Activities, Jim Campbell, Matvey Palchuk & Michele Morris

Meeting the Challenge of i2b2 ontology deployment for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trinetx COVID-19 deployments, Matvey Palchuk

Meeting the Challenge of i2b2 ontology deployment for the COVID-19 Pandemic: ACT COVID-19 Ontology, Shyam Visweswaran

Meeting the Challenge of i2b2 ontology deployment for Oncology (ICD-O-3), Mary Natividad and Jim Campbell

ETL Working Group

General About ETL Group and Introduction to Cancer Care Manitoba Mike Mendis and Alexander Sachs

i2b2 ETL at Cancer Care Manitoba, Alexander Sachs

i2b2 ETL at Cancer Care Manitoba, Jia Jun Bao and  Mary Natividad 

i2b2 ETL Module, Kavishwar Wagholikar

MGB Biobank Portal, Victor Castro

User Interface Working Group

UI, Griffin Weber, MD Phd and Anupama Maram

Session – SHRINE Network

SHRINE software – history, architecture, and recent features

Agenda and History – Marc Ciriello and Doug MacFadden
Architecture – Bill Simons
SHRINE 3.0 Demo and Upcoming SHRINE features for the open-source community, Anupama Maram and Griffin Weber
Slide Deck