Griffin Weber MD PhD, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Department of Medicine, Interdisciplinary Medicine and Biotechnology (IMBIO), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Previously, Dr Weber was Chief Technology Officer at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr Weber was the original author of the i2b2 WebClient.

Susanne E. Churchill PhD, Executive Director, DBMI, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Churchill is executive director of DBMI, and the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Center of Excellence. Dr. Churchill also serves as the executive director of the N-GRID (neuropsychiatric genome-scale and RDoC-Individualized domains). She also serves at the Center of Excellence in Genome Science and program director for the Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics (SIBMI).

David Dimond, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell Technologies
Dave’s charter is to establish alliance partner collaborations to drive joint engineering, develop and commercialize of data intensive cloud-based platforms for healthcare. Dave was strategic advisor to healthcare startups and investment banks, co-founding WhatNext, social media for sharing patient experience with the American Cancer Society and philanthropic organizations.

Qi Li MD MBA, Physcian Executive, InterSystems
Innovator, entrepreneur, product management, research, and global business development. Leading innovation initiatives in product, technology, and market segment including life science, research, precision medicine, real world evidence, and AI. He led product development, strategy, and UK/China healthcare IT market entry. At Partners HealthCare, led the development of LMR, enterprise EMR solution, and grants. Passionate about translational research and disruptive technology.

Ulrich Sax PhD, Professor, U Göttingen
Vice head of the Department of Medical Informatics, University Medical Center. Long term experience in design, operation and validation of IT infrastructure for health care and translational research. He heads the Interoperability working group of the German Medical Informatics Initiative. Dr. Sax is active in the Technology and Method Platform for Networked Medical Research, including spokesman for the quality management working group.

Jomol Mathew, PhD, Associate Dean of Informatics and Information Technology and Chief of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Dr. Mathew’s research and academic service has been focused on development of enterprise wide, standards-based platforms for data integration, visualization, and analytics; frameworks for secure data exchange; informatics tools for precision medicine; electronic devices for remote data capture; and tools to improve patient engagement and point of care clinical trials recruitment using real time data.

Shawn Murphy MD PhD, Chief Research Information Officer, Partners HealthCare
Dr Murphy is also Professor of Neurology and Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. He has developed the initial Research Patient Data Registry (RPDR) for Partners HealthCare, a large data warehouse with 7 million patients and 3 billion rows. Dr. Murphy is the chief architect of the NIH Sponsored Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2).

Gil Omenn MD PhD, Professor, U Michigan
Professor of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, & Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Omenn’s research focuses on cancer proteogenomics, splice isoforms, and prediction of functions of unannotated proteins. He is a leader of the global Human Proteome Project. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and past president of the AAAS.

Dr. Katherine Luzuriaga is the UMass Memorial Health Care Chair in Biomedical Research
Professor of Molecular Medicine, and Vice Provost for Clinical and Translational Research at the UMass Chan Medical School. Her research on viral and host factors that contribute to the persistence of viral infections has contributed to the development of prevention and treatment strategies for pediatric HIV-1 infection and informed global treatment guidelines and policies. In her current role as Director of the UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Dr. Luzuriaga leads efforts to translate scientific discoveries into products and approaches that improve individual and population health.

Gloria “Gigi” Pflugfelder Lipori, M.T., M.B.A., Senior Vice President and CIO for University of Florida Health
Adjunct professor in the UF College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy. In her role as CIO she oversees information technology and information services across the health colleges, UF Health Shands Hospital, UF Health Jacksonville, UF Health Central Florida and associated clinics. She previously served as UF Health’s chief data officer, setting strategy and direction for the enterprise’s integrated data repository and overseeing teams responsible for data warehousing, decision support, strategic planning and research support. She also has been a co-investigator on many federally funded research initiatives, including the OneFlorida Clinical Data Research Network.

Dr. Mosa is the Sr. Director and Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Missouri School of Medicine
He is a Fellow of American Medical Informatics Association. He leads the informatics infrastructure development for research and serves as the site-PI for the Greater Plains Colaborative (a PCORnet Clinical Research Network). He concentrates on the continuous institutional research capacity building to drive improved access to real-world observational data and its usability; application of advanced informatics and data science approaches for data management, warehousing, and coordination; and use of real-world data for pragmatic research, learning health system, predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence model discovery.

Dr. Elmer Bernstam, MD, MSE Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Internal Medicine at UTHealth Houston
Elmer Bernstam has over 23 years of experience at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, where he serves as Associate Dean of Research at the McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics. He leads the Biomedical Informatics effort at the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS), developing data systems like i2b2, focusing on translational research. His expertise spans translational biomedical informatics, information retrieval using graph algorithms for biomedical literature, and consumer health informatics, with multiple NIH and foundation-funded projects improving health information access for researchers and the public.
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