The 5th i2b2 European Academic Users Group (Eu-AUG) Scientific is pleased to invite submissions of  scientific presentations and posters.

Please submit your proposal via  the web site (

Extended Submission Deadline:   July 31st, 2017, 11:59 p.m. CET (Central European Time)

The 5th European AUG meeting

Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and affiliated  universities are organizing the 5th edition of the i2b2 EU-AUG meeting  in October 2017. The conference with prestigious speakers will spotlight  – in the context of i2b2 implementation – hot topics such as big data  challenges for healthcare, networking data for better care, extending
data repositories beyond clinical data and the view of patients on the  benefits of reusing their data for research.

Participation is upon registration only, but free, although participants will need to cover their own travel costs.


May we kindly invite you to register your  interest via the (