the tranSMART Foundation held a 2-day Launch Event, with talks and demonstrations held in the US and UK on successive days earlier this week.

On Tuesday, September 9th, Brian Athey, CSO of the Foundation, hosted the Launch Event where attendees heard from CEO Keith Elliston on the achievement of the v1.2 Release.  Keith echoed the sentiment of many, reflecting on the number of contributors and volunteer testers who helped bring the latest release  to completion.

Seven separate demonstrations were given of new features of the release, that is was highlighted by Brian as including core system improvements, interface changes, key new analysis features, new data types and the ability to connect to external services.

A new look for the Foundation was also revealed in a new set of logos, a new website design as well as a number of other changes.

The Event was wrapped up by Keith as he described the success of the past 18 months in achieving the goals set at that time.


The next day, Yikes Guo, CTO of the Foundation, hosted a similar Event at the offices of IDBS in London.  Again the demonstrations were very exciting in showing off the new version.